Saturday, July 4, 2009

Chapter 7: Finale (Pt.3)

Greg still knelt at the spot where Tracy had once been. He ignored the rain that fell around him in sheets of gray. He ignored the thunder that rang and the lightning that flashed. Nothing seemed to snap him from his reverie.

"Greg!" He acknowledged his name, but he didn't react. "Greg!"

Lily and the band of Traitors flew towards him. Lily landed next to him, setting down her spirit weapon - a whip with a leather handle and a black tendril - before comforting him. She pressed her head against his shoulder. "I was hoping your prediction wouldn't come true for this part, but if it really is falling into place just like you said..."

Greg twitched visibly. "We have to end it."

"End it?"

"End it. We have to end it all. Now." Greg stood up. His golden axe appeared in a flourish of silver, resting in his hands. Lily picked up her own weapon and cracked it above her head. Andrew and Heather summoned their spirit weapons. Andrew held forth his spear. Heather's hands were surrounded by a flashing array of numbers and formulas. Once they disappeared, she held a ruler in one hand and a protractor in the other. Andrew snickered.

"You gonna teach the Markers to death?" he mocked. Heather slapped him across the face with her ruler. He rubbed the bruise.

Greg nodded at the angels around him. The ones without the ability to summon their spirit weapons held manufactured swords provided by Heather. They weren't as powerful, but they could get the job done. Greg raised his axe, then bounded into the sky. They followed after him. The Traitors were on the opposite side of the angels under Surno's command. They attacked the flank of the Markers appearing from the purple mist, taking them by surprise.

Heather aimed her ruler and protractor at the Markers. She mumbled a stream of incoherent words. Andrew stepped in before her, thrusting his spear at a Marker that had dived in to swipe Heather. He growled, focusing his power into his spear. It turned into a larger javelin - he cocked his arm back, then threw it forward. Heather shouted out the last line of her spell and spread her arms to the sides; the javelin Andrew threw multiplied into numerous versions that hung before him. He punched them to send them flying, running from each separate projectile to do the most damage. The other Traitors followed in after their first barrage with an excited yell.

Andrew re-summoned his spear. "I guess you're kinda useful, Feather," he mocked.

"I know you'd die without me. Be glad I'm here!" She slapped him with her ruler. Now, Andrew rubbed his newly bruised cheek. "Don't call me Feather!" she pouted at him.

Andrew stabbed another Marker that tried to attack them. "I'm not a damned Marker, okay? Stop slapping me - damn!" He rubbed his cheek while stabbing another Marker one handed.

Greg swung his axe heavily at those who came to near. He sliced their limbs off with ease, decapitating those he thought deserved it. A Marker landed an attack; Greg felt and saw orange blood seep out of the claw wound on his arm. He kicked the Marker away, following through with a swing to slice it in half. He was too slow, though. The Marker disappeared then reappeared to the side, already lunging at him.

A whip cracked. The Marker immediately froze, lowering his arms. He turned towards the sound. Lily was humming softly. The Marker came close, transfixed. Greg saw the whole ordeal through the corner of his eye as he tore through more Markers. Lily placed her hand on her prey, bringing his face close. She placed a kiss atop his forehead. The Marker exploded into a thousand purple remnants that faded away.

"Remind me not to ask you on a date," Greg said playfully. Lily blew him a kiss, then cracked a whip at another Marker.


Missy sat casually in the park with her legs crossed. She whistled, licking her claws occasionally. "No more pretty boys for me to play with, hmm? Oh, well." She giggled.

An explosion echoed in the sky. Missy stared up as a Marker came plummeting from it. She got up to a crouching position and performed a back flip, barely dodging the crashing Marker. She smiled and summoned her spirit weapon - her entire body underwent the same transformation as before. The dust settled, and she frowned. "Hey! You're not a cute boy!" Missy pouted with a whimper.

Two strolled towards her. She cocked her head to the side. "I was just about to say the same." Two blew her a kiss. Missy shook her head as if she had felt it. The Markers stood before each other, ready to fight it out to the death.

"I can almost hear Mickey crying out 'Cat fight!' Hehe!" Missy said. "No spirit weapon, skank?"

Two drew in a sharp breath. "I am not a skank!"

"I can just smell the breaths of countless lovers on you. Hehe!" Missy brought a claw to her lips coyly. Two hissed at her. She sprung at her with her claws. Missy swiped out with her own, cutting her across the face and sending her sprawling. Two wiped her cheek. "You're a seductive one, aren't you? I'm not a male. Too bad, so sad - I guess this is where you die! Hehe!" Missy rushed at her with claws that ached for blood.

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